Alligators are the largest reptiles on the North American continent. They are often mixed up for crocodiles, but they are very different. While the alligator can be found in most of the swampy southern states of the US, crocodiles are only found in Florida, and rarely, at that. The easiest way to tell whether it is a croc or a gator is to look at the snout; gators have a short fat snout and crocodiles have longer narrower snouts. Alligators are semi-aquatic meaning that they can go on land as well as in the water. There isn’t really a point in discussing what they look like, because if you have an alligator problem, you know what it looks like. However, what most people don’t know is that gators have a varied diet that may be attracting them to your yard. For example, gators subsist on many different animals such as rodents, fish, snakes, nutria, rabbits, birds, etc. and if you have any of these on your property, you are going to attract alligators.
How to Get Rid of Alligators – Alligators present a very big problem for some people. Usually gators want to leave you alone, but they find themselves in sticky situations when they take a dip into your pool or are sunbathing on your porch. Alligators are very dangerous (they can grow up to 13 feet and weigh more than 500 pounds) to you, your children and your family pets. Alligators are usually a nuisance when they wander into your yard where you don’t want them. Pools and small ponds are a popular place for alligators to hang out, or sometimes they can even get into your house if you should leave the door open. Word to the wise: don’t leave your door open in you live in an area that has gators.