Bats are the only mammals that are capable of flight. Bats can be described as small, black or dark brown creatures that have skin flaps that attach to their wrists and stretch out to their ankles. They primarily eat insects, but some species will also eat fruits and vegetables. Usually bats do not bother anyone and are great to have around because they keep harmful bugs like spiders, mosquitoes and flies out of your house. However, if you find bats living where they shouldn’t be living such as in your attic, shed or garage you probably want them out.
How to Get Rid of Bats – Bats are only considered pests by some because they make a lot of noise and their droppings can create a really big mess. Bats are primarily active during the night, but if they are nesting in your home or near your home you can hear the chirping all the time which is unsettling and drive some people insane. A colony can leave behind an immense amount of droppings which can sometimes carry diseases that can infect people. The droppings also tend to attract cockroaches. Bats will also chew and claw their way into a place where they can nest creating holes in your walls. Some bats have rabies and can pass this to your pet that gets curious and sticks its head into their home.