Opossums, more commonly called possums, are versatile animals that can cause a variety of nuisance concerns. From living in your attic or under your house, or eating pet food or garbage, these opportunistic animals are common in suburban areas.
Opossums are unique for several reasons. They are the only North American marsupials. This means that females have a pouch on the belly where the young, up to 13, are carried and nourished for a time after their birth. Opossums also have a prehensile tail, from which they can occasionally hang. They are also well known for “playing possum”, or feigning death, a defense tactic. Adult possums are typically about two feet long and about ten pounds. They are omnivorous, and will eat almost anything, including carrion and garbage.
Opossums are slow, but excellent climbers, and will live in attics. They will also live under sheds or decks. They have a very strong immune system, but seldom live more than three years. They are nocturnal.