In short, the best way to get rid of skunks is via live trapping and removal. You can also install exclusion barriers to keep them from going under your shed, deck, porch, etc. There is no effective skunk repellent spray or powder or device. Luckily, it’s not hard to trap them without them spraying you.
Skunks are easy to recognize with their bold black and white coloring. While most animals prefer camouflage, a skunk’s distinctive coloration serves as a warning of its potent attack. Using special glands below the tail, skunks can spray their powerful scent up to 15 feet. This scent burns an attacker’s eyes, and causes temporary blindness. Of course, the stench is too much for most animals to bear, and serves as a strong warning against future attacks. Adult skunks grow to about 22-30 inches and 8-12 pounds. Skunks are primarily nocturnal.
All skunks are omnivores, and will feed on almost anything, including small rodents, worms, insects, grubs, carrion, fruit, garbage, and pet food left outdoors.
Skunks are well known for their strong odor. People can often detect a single dead skunk for miles. No homeowner appreciates this scent under their deck. Furthermore, a skunk in the area poses a constant threat to nosey pets. I’ve cleaned dogs that have been sprayed before, and believe me, the scent does not come off easily. Of course, no person wants to risk being sprayed by a startled skunk. Skunks frequently choose to live under human structures such as sheds, decks, or crawl spaces. They often discharge their scent in these places. Skunks are also common carriers of rabies.